On Halloween San Francisco teachers, parents and students will be foregoing our trick or treating to protest the Mexican Consulate here to condemn the government repression in Oaxaca and call for democracy in Mexico.
From the Mexico Solidarity Committee:
STOP THE REPRESSION IN MEXICO! Emergency Demonstration at the Mexican Consulate in SF to Protest the Political Murders in Oaxaca! On Friday, the October 27, the Mexican federal police invaded the barricades in Oaxaca to take back control of the city after five months of occupation by APPO (the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca).
As of midnight, 27th of October the death toll is 5 with 30 wounded. Among the dead are New York City Indymedia journalist Will Brad. Among the wounded is a media worker, Oswaldo Ramirez, a Mexican photographer.
We stand with the people of Oaxaca! We Demand: Mexican Federal Police Out of Oaxaca!
For a tribunal to investigate the murders by government troops and paramilitary!
5:00 PM, Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Mexico Consulate General - in San Francisco CA
532 Folsom Street, San Francisco CA 94105
Issued by the Mexico Solidarity CommitteeTelephone: 415-864-3537
mexicosolidaritycommittee@yahoo.comZapatistas Call for Solidarity and Resistance
A Call from the Zapatistas: Oaxaca Is Not Alone
Shut-Down of Roads, Highways and the Media on November 1; General Strike Called for November 20
The EZLN calls out to the Other Campaign in Mexico and north of the Rio Grande, so that these November 1st mobilizations happen wherever possible, completely, partially, at intervals or symbolically shutting down the major artery roads, streets, toll booths, stations, airports and commercial media.
The central message that the Zapatistas send and will continue sending is that the people of Oaxaca are not alone: They are not alone!
Ulises Ruiz out of Oaxaca!
Immediate withdrawal of the occupying federal forces from Oaxaca!
Immediate and unconditional freedom for all detainees!
Cancel all arrest warrants!
Punish the murderers!
From the North of Mexico.For the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee-General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation.For the EZLN Sixth Commission.
Subcomandante Insurgente MarcosMexico, October, 2006.
http://Indybay.orgAt 5pm this evening, hundreds will gather to
protest at the Mexican Consulate to condemn the repression in Oaxaca. Yesterday many protested around the world to
keep Mexican consulates and embassies all over the world from opening.
ListIn SF, protesters met at the
the Mexican Consulate at 532 Folsom St. at 6:45am ( Photos:
1 2), to tell the government of Mexico "that we will not allow this savage attack on our brothers and sisters in Oaxaca to be taking place and have business go on as usual." People came together again at 4pm. People also gathered at the Mexican Consulate in
San Jose (540 North First St.) at 7am on Monday morning.
There was an
electronic blockade of Mexican Embassy and Consulate websites on Monday.
A film screening that will be a
benefit for the Rebelión Popular will take place at Station 40 (3030b 16th St. in SF) on Wednesday night, November 1st, at 7pm. Monday: Today has been quieter than yesterday. Radio Universidad has called for people to gather to defend the Zocalo and to protect the radio station.
Reports from Oaxaca:
Text by Tristan Photos and text by DanielsanSunday evening: Tanks and large machinery were used in Oaxaca today in the government's attempts to tear down barricades. Thousands of women, children, and men were protesting in the streets. There are reports that
several more protesters were killed by the police, including one child. Many who have been abducted were taken to Ixcotel Penitentary and military camps and are being beaten there. They are also raiding and destroying homes in Oaxaca, as happened in Atenco.
Read breaking news in
English y en español en
Centro de Medios Libres Live Audio Stream Rough English Translation Of Audio Stream Ongoing coverage:
Centro del Medios Libres Indymedia.org APPO UlisesRuizAsesino website, with list of vigils El Enemigo Común