As thousands of school board members [like me] from all over the country will be meeting in the Annual NSBA [National School Boards Association] conference, hundreds of parents, teachers and community folks [like me] will be picketing outside the Moscone Convention Center to bring attention to the disaster called - NCLB No Child Left Behind [aka No Child Left Untested].
Saturday, April 14th, 2007, 9:30am – 11am
Gather outside the Moscone Center in San Francisco (747 Howard St., SF, between 3rd and 4th ~ at the Lobby Entrance).
Saturday, April 14th, 2007, 9:30am – 11am
Gather outside the Moscone Center in San Francisco (747 Howard St., SF, between 3rd and 4th ~ at the Lobby Entrance).
We will join teachers, parents, administrators, school board members and students from Fresno, Oakland, San Francisco and elsewhere who will be voicing their concerns over the harmful impact NCLB is having on education, our schools and our future.
Besides our local Teachers for Social Justice and SF Freedom School activists, other organizers include - EPATA - Parents Against Testing Abuse and the Eliminate NCLB Task Force and the Assessment Reform Network Central Valley. Info - email - EliminateNCLB@aol.com
For more info on how to raise your voices against the harms of NCLB join the 29,000 others in protesting NCLB at the Educator Roundtable website.
looking forward to meeting all of you there this Saturday!
philip kovacs
I am an outraged educator, parent and grandparent. I wish I could attend, but live in Colorado. I will be with you in spirit. Keep up the good fight!
Patricia Lang
i will try to announce the saturday rally in the urban school board members meetings on friday. not sure if i have time to crank out a resolution or some kind of action alert to get folks to sign on to educator roundtable or other advocacy efforts. we should discuss this at the rally/protest on sat. thanks glen and philip!
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