Saturday, January 21, 2012

Conference: Attack on Public Education

The Attack On Public Education
And Privatization
January 22 (Sunday), 2012, 10:00 AM -5:00 PM
Laney Theater, Laney Community College
900 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94607

There is a national systemic organized plan for the total priva-
tization of public education through the use of multi-billion-
aire supported non-profits such as the Gates Foundation, Broad
Foundation and the KIPP Foundation to place paid lobbyists into
governmental positions on school boards and other government
At the same time, the privatization of the University of California
and the CSU system through corporate regents and trustees who
are profiting from these public institutions is a growing scandal.
This conference will look at how the destruction of public edu-
cation is taking   place in California, who is doing it and how to
stop it and defend the right to a public education for all working

(Tentative Schedule)
Introduction and welcome: (10:00 AM)
(Music by Angry Tired Teachers (AT&T)-Andy
Knight and Students)
Morning Session:
Report On Occupy Education And Days Of Action On March 1 & March 5
Attack On Public Education And Privatization
• Attack On Oakland Public Schools, the Charters
and Labor by Jack Gerson (OEA Retired)
• Privatization And Potential Criminal Activities of
the privatization operatives. Fired Commission For
Teacher Credentials Attorney
and Whistleblower Kathleen Carroll on unethical
or potential criminal conflicts.
• How privatization is affecting students and par-
ents, Michael Lopez whose children go to the
GAP Fisher family controlled Kipp
Hartwood Academy Elementary School.
The Corporate Media And Censorship In Covering The Attack
On Public Education with Mickey Huff, Professor Diablo Valley
College and Professor Adam Bessie Professor Diablo Valley College
Lunch Break: (12:30 PM)
Afternoon Session: (1:30 PM)
The Attacks On Higher Education
Dr. Gray Brechin.
• Privatization, Outsourcing the University and The
Destruction of Academia with  UC Geographer
• Militarization of UC-CSU Education and the Po-
lice Repression.
• Debt of Students, the Banks and the government
Cancel debt.
• The attack on UC, CSU and Community Colleg-
es with Professor George Wright, professor Skyline College
AFT 1493.
• The Plan To Destroy The Community College
System, speakers From UC and CSU, SEIU.
• Where is the Money- Report by Peter Mathews
Professor Cypress Community College, author of
Oil Extraction Tax Initiative To Fund Education
and others.
Endorsed by United Public Workers For Action UPWA,
Rescue Education California, KPFA, Project Censored Labor Video Project, Media
Freedom Foundation, Jack  Gerson OEA retired and others.
For information call  (415)867-0628 or (916) 402

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