Immigrant Communities Take a Stand Against ICE Raids
Illustrating the need to fix our broken immigration system that keeps families apart, the recent increase in ICE enforcement and questionable tactics has left families separated and communities fearful of law enforcement, making them more vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. Immigrants and their allies will join together to call for immigration reform and denounce the raids.
Noontime Rallies Outside of ICE Offices to Say, "No More Raids" - Video

Who: Bay Area Immigrant Rights Coalition http://www.immigrantrights.org, Deporten a la Migra, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights http://www.nnirr.org, La Raza Centro Legal Day Labor Program, Arab American Legal Center, St Peters Housing Committee, POWER http://www.unite-to-fight.org, Mujeres Unidas y Activas http://www.mujeresunidas.net, Chinese Progressive Association http://www.cpasf.org, San Francisco Central Labor Council
Why: More than ever we need a fair and just immigration law that keeps families and loved ones together. Recent ICE community and workplace raids have terrorized the immigrant community and ripped families apart; immigrant communities are increasingly marginalized and frightened. Community organizations, churches, unions and social service agencies are boldly coming together to call for an end to all ICE raids and for regional and local authorities to publicly oppose detentions and deportations and ensure the safety of all our communities.
Program: Week of Action Against ICE Raids and for Immigrant Rights
Immigrant Communities Take a Stand Against ICE Raids
Where/When: Monday – Thursday, Feb 26 – March 1, 2007. 630 Sansome St., San Francisco, CA, 11 am - 1 pm daily.
Detailed Daily Information
Monday, February 26 - Theme: Launch Week of Action
Community Sector Highlighted: Faith-Based Groups
Lead Organization: Deporten a la Migra Coalition
Contact: Maria Poblet 510-384-1220
Confirmed Speakers & Performers:
Reverend Phil Lawson, Black Alliance for Just Immigration
Brenda Vaca, Pastor, Nueva Vida Ministries, United Methodist Church
Francisco Herrera (musician and performer)
Norman Fong (invited)
Betty Canton Self, Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights
Event Description: Faith vigil and action, representatives from all sectors
Tuesday, Feb 27 - Theme: "We Are Workers!"
Sector: Labor and Workers Organizations
Organization: La Raza Centro Legal Day Laborer Program
Contact: Renee Saucedo, 415-553-3404
Speakers & Performers:
Detailed Event Description: Labor Representatives from several Bay Area counties, multiple nationalities
Wednesday, Feb 28 - Theme: "We Are Families!"
Sectors: Families, Women, Students, Youth
Lead Organization(s): Mujeres Unidas y Activas
Andrea Cristina Mercado, 415-621-8140
Bay Area Immigrant Rights Coalition
Evelyn Sanchez, 510-839-7598
Speakers: Maria Jimenez, Mujeres Unidas y Activas
· Graton Day Laborer Center
· Youth worker, Young Workers United
· worker, Chinese Progressive Association
Detailed Event Description Rally (all) & march (CPA). Chinese women immigrant workers, laid off, boycott of Monster Cable.
Thursday, March 1 - Theme: "Equality for All!"
Sectors: Criminal justice and Immigrant Rights
Contact: Arab American Legal Defense, Lily Haskell, 912-398-5641
Speakers: · Education not Incarceration
· Lawyer for the LA 8 (Palestinian)
· Critical Resistance
· Ella Baker Center
· Justice Now
· San Francisco 8 (Black Panther Party)
Event: Queer & immigrant sector also highlighted.
FRIDAY, March 2, 2007. 11 am – 1 pm
Where: Gather at 16th and Mission, march to to SF Federal Building (Golden Gate x Larkin), San Francisco, CA
Why: "Stop the Raids, Fair & Just Immigration NOW!"
Organization and Contacts:
Bay Area Immigrant Rights Coalition: Evelyn Sanchez, 510-839-7598
National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights Diana Pei Wu, 510-847-9339 · Performers & Speakers: Hei Gu Drummers (Chinese)
Description: March from 16 Mission BART to SF Federal Building. Program including speakers and Hei Gu Chinese Drummers.
Visuals: People of different nationalities, including parents, families, children, young people, standing up against ICE raids. Signs & colorful banners. Hei Gu Chinese Drummers.
Community Actions in Support of the Week of Action Against Raids and Repression
Monday, February 26, 2007
Street Theater & Outreach
Type of Event: Street Outreach / Alcance a la Comunidad
Contact: Claudia Reyes
Organization: Mujeres Unidas y Activas
Telephone: 415 621 8140
Email: claudia@mujeresunidas.net
Time: 4-7pm
Location: 16th St x Mission, San Francisco
Detailed Event Description: Members of Mujeres Unidas y Activas will be doing street outreach and community theater. Miembras de Mujeres Unidas y Activas estaran haciendo alcance y teatro comunitario.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO - MI COMUNIDAD ES SANTUARIO: Educacion en Defensa de nuestros Derechos
Type of Event: Public Action (like a vigil or march) / Accion Publica (como una vigilia o una marcha), Street Outreach / Alcance a la Comunidad
Contact: Ruth Galvez
Organization: Deporten a la Migra Coalition
Telephone: 415-487-9203
Email: espinoza_ruth@hotmail.com
Time: 4:00pm
Place: 24th Street & Mission
Detailed Event Description: Speak out and popular street theater on immigrant rights. Teatro popular y testimonios de resistencia sobre los derechos de inmigrantes
OAKLAND - Woodfin Suites Boycott – Stand up for Immigrant Workers!
Type of Event: Community Action & Picket
Contact: Brooke Anderson
Organization: East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy
Telephone: (510) 846-0766
Email: brooke@workingeastbay.org
Time: 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Place: Woodfin Suites, 5800 Shellmound St, Emeryville, CA 94608
Event Description: An ongoing picket in front of Woodfin Suites who failed to pay the living wage as approved by Emeryville City Council, and for intimidating and harassing workers who are trying to share the information with other workers in the hotel. Part of ongoing actions every Tuesday and Saturday.
Type of Event: Public Action (like a vigil or march) / Accion Publica (como una vigilia o una marcha)
Contact: Josias Aguiar
Organization: R.I.S.E.
Telephone: 760-960-6208
Email: jaguiarquest@yahoo.com
Time: noon - 1
Place: Upper Sproul, UC Berkeley
Detailed Event Description: We are having a DREAM rally to create awareness about the DREAM Act and how it will impact thousands of undocumented students! Show your support because EDUCATION IS A RIGHT!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
RICHMOND - Immigration Reform: Problems and prospects
Type of Event: Community Forum / Foro Comunitario
Contact: Joel Marsh
Organization: ACLU - Northern California & Richmond Public Library
Telephone: (510) 620-6651
Date: Wed, Feb 28, 2007
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Place: Richmond Public Library - Madeline F. Whittlesey Community Room; 325 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA
Detailed Event Description: Recent raids by ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) have raised many concerns in the community. Congress is once again considering comprehensive immigration reform legislation and communities are seeking to inform themselves with a broad range of immigration issues. The panel discussion will bring together a number of experts who can help shed light onthe issues, their history and implications for our community. A Panel Discussion: Julia Harumi Mass, Staff Attorney, ACLU Northern California Ramon Cardon, Interim Executive Director, International institute of the East Bay Michael Epstein, Immigration Attorney Gayle Mclaughlin, Mayor of Richmond Moderator: ACLU BARK + Board Mwember Joel marsh, Immigration Attorney and Adjunct Professor of Law, Golden Gate University
SAN FRANCISCO - MI COMUNIDAD ES SANTUARIO: Educacion en Defensa de nuestros Derechos
Type of Event: Street Outreach / Alcance a la Comunidad
Contact: Terry Valen and Teresa Almaguer
Organization: Filipino Community Center (FCC) and People Organized to Defend Environmental and Economic Rights (PODER)
Telephone: Terry Valen: (415) 333-6267, Teresa Almaguer (415) 431-4210
Email: terrencevalen@yahoo.com, tere_la_change@yahoo.com
Time: 4:00pm
Place: Excelsior District, TBA
Detailed Event Description:
Thursday, March 1, 2007
OAKLAND - Lucha Unida del Jornaler: por la Justicia/contra las redadas
Type of Event: Vigil, Walk and Cultural Program and press conference for community safety and justice.
Contact: Carlos Mares or Hector Rangel
Organization: Lucha Unida del Jornalero
Telephone: (510) 437-1554 ext 117
Email: maresluchaunida@yahoo.com.mx
Time: 4:30 PM-8:00 PM
Detailed Event Description: Gathering and vigil starts at 4:30 pm on the corner of 37th Avenue and San Leandro Boulevard (about one block east of the Fruiitvale BART Station), rememberance of Juan Chales (day laborer murdered on Sunday Feb 18 in Oakland) and other day laborers who have been killed and those who are violently attacked and harassed every day.
Then group marches with candles to the Fruiitvale BART Station plaza area & marches and the women's organization Mujeres Unidas y Activas' Theater Group performs.
About 5:30 pm vigil and march continues to Workers' Center at 2501 International Blvd, where we will continue the program and briefing with more speakers, poetry, song as lively community gathering, sharing refreshments, sweet bread and coffee to close out the evening of voices for justice and peace in immigration services and reform.more cultural program and coffee and sweet bread. Lucha Unida del Jornalero, a community organization of Oakland day laborers, is convening a vigil and cultural celebration to denounce the recent immigration police raids and demand just and fair immigration reforms. Our event will include speakers, poets, community and street corner day labor leaders, colorful art banners, candles and the names of those who have suffered loss of family members, co-workers and neighbors to immigration laws and raids.
OAKLAND - Street Theater & Outreach
Type of Event: Street Outreach / Alcance a la Comunidad
Contact: Claudia Reyes
Organization: Mujeres Unidas y Activas
Telephone: 415 621 8140
Email: claudia@mujeresunidas.net
Time: 4-7pm
Location: Fruitvale & San Antonio Neighborhoods, Oakland
Detailed Event Description: Members of Mujeres Unidas y Activas will be doing street outreach and community theater. Miembras de Mujeres Unidas y Activas estaran haciendo alcance y teatro comunitario.
Type of Event: Street Outreach / Alcance a la Comunidad
Contact: Marisol
Organization: People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER)
Telephone: 415 UNITE72
Time: 4-7pm
Location: Tenderloin District, San Francisco
Detailed Event Description: Members of POWER will be rolling around on a flatbed truck and sound system to raise awareness about people's rights in light of the ICE raids and ICE intimidation on corners in the Tenderloin, and also to raise awareness about the march the following day.
More info: Bay Area Immigrant Rights Coalition (BAIRC) http://www.immigrantrights.org: 510-839-7598; cell (415) 572 0639 (English/Spanish)
National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights (NNIRR) http://www.nnirr.org