SF Public Schools are in the midst of developing an Arts Master Plan with various arts educators, artists, the big dominant arts organizations, some parent groups, etc.
The impetus came from strong grassroots support for Supervisor Ammiano's Prop H [Nov. 04] which will provide more City funding for Arts, Music, Sports, Libraries, etc. in the SF Schools.
However, to prevent the large arts organizations and wealthy arts donors from dominating the process, we need more grassroots community arts groups, artists, students, parents and stakeholder groups to inform themselves about the process and speak out to the board of education and the superintendent on your concerns.
The model master plans we are looking at are LA, Chicago, Houston.
We also clearly need more voices speaking out for multicultural arts and inclusiveness in arts education as well.
Once completed and adopted by the Board of Education, the Arts Education Master Plan will serve as the blueprint that the School District, families, the arts community, the City, funders, and all other arts education stakeholders will use to work together to provide comprehensive sequential arts education for every student in the San Francisco Unified School District. We hope the Plan will greatly strengthen arts education throughout the SFUSD and will revitalize the arts in the schools and throughout the community for future generations.
For more info and to let your voice be heard - contact:
Kevin Marlatt - SFUSD Arts Eduction Master PlanProject Manager
Cell: 415-359-4240.
Parents, students, teachers and school staff, andcommunity friends of SF public schools:
Please join us for our monthly Student Art Reception,featuring student art from21st Century Academy and Luther Burbank Middle School.
Thanks Commissioner Mark Sanchez for setting up the artwork!Unwind, relax, have fun, marvel at the great studentartwork, mingle, celebrate, enjoy finger food!!Children welcome.
WHEN: Friday, March 25th, 5:30-7:30PM
WHERE: SF Unified School District, Board Meeting Room,555 Franklin Street, 1st Floor (McAllister Street)[parking on streetand in lot [enter on McAllister Street]
Public Transportation:BART - Civic Center stationMUNI - 5 Fulton, 47 or 49 Van Ness
Save the dates for the next receptions – 5:30-7:30pm Fridays –April 22, May 20, June 10. Same time, same place.
Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions.emar@s...or
In unity,
Eric Mar, President
San Francisco Board of Education